“A Toast”

Now is a time like no other
For hands to be joined, of sister and brother.
In the heart it is known that love is the way
To greet each new challenge, as does Dawn a new day.

Gone are the hours to lumber and chore
Ongoingly swindled by doctrines of yore.
The soul's gaze now exalted has found a new Sun
Lighting a world wherein all are One.

Remember thee well, the promise once granted
That the self, if surrendered, would create life enchanted.
A prophecy of God, is this yours to fulfill
Removing the walls which surround it, all the fear of His will.

Traveling the road to eternity is truly no riddle
Using the tools of Christ's trade allays straying from middle.
Compassion, devotion, grace, and desire
Imbued with obedience and patience, will take thee still higher.

Here is to you, to he, and to she
Who give freely your love so that this can be.
You are that promise and I AM the way
My life is my message, forever to stay.

                                                                - Louix Dor Dempriey

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